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Press/Media Information
All Press/Media Inquiries & To Book Speaker:
Our press team is always delighted to work with journalists, podcasters, and alternative media around the world. We also love to share the compelling stories of those who have read the book and taken the courses.

Online Courses Released!
Latest Press Release
After two years in development with course designers and content expert, David Richardson, we're excited to announce the release of Learn To Discern Courses.
Watch David Richardson LIVE on Catherine Segar's podcast, Christian Parent/Crazy World, as they talk about how parents can innoculate their children against the lies the current culture believes by teaching them to recognize the truth when they see and hear it.

Encounter - Bott Radio Network
Listen to David Richardson LIVE on Bott Radio Network/Joseph Palmer on a Special Encounter as they discuss the new courses on LearnToDiscern and how training our children to recognize what is true, good, and beautiful is necessary for the health of our families and our future.

The Counter Culture Mom Show
with Tina Griffin
Watch David Richardson as he is interviewed by Tina Griffin, mom, former actress, and Hollywood media expert as well as founder and host of The Counter Culture Mom Show.

The Thinking Christian With
Dr. James Spencer
Listen in as Dr. James Spencer of The Thinking Christian (podcast) and David Richardson why worldview is the problem and how assumptions are the antidote.

Eric Metaxas Interviews David
Don't miss this interview of David Richardson by Eric Metaxas as they discuss the hidden assumptions behind the massages meant to control us.
Heidi St. John Interviews David Richardson
Heidi St. John and David Richardson discuss the mass exodus of young adults from the faith: 70% of students don’t believe in absolute truth. They discuss the way we can teach students to recognize the assumptions they have aquired and how to dissect them and confidently reach for truth.

Focus on the Family | Family Talk
Fundamental assumptions are the building blocks on which we base our faith, whether it is faith in God or faith that our car will start. Dr. Dobson and David Richardson discuss the complex art of spiritual conversation in the face of atheists and agnostics, broken down into just a few simple questions that anyone can ask.
TV & Internet TV
Local Radio & Podcasts
WORQ – QFM – Stand Up For The Truth – 7-31-19 (Green Bay, WI)
WORQ – QFM – Stand Up For The Truth – 5-20-19 (Green Bay, WI)
WORQ – QFM – Stand Up For The Truth – 4-24-19 (Green Bay, WI)
WYSZ – Yes! FM Wake Up Call Morning Show (Toledo, OH)
KKMS – On The Way with Paul Ridgeway (Minneapolis, MN)
KNEO – Author’s Corner (Neosho/Joplin, MO)
Followers of the Cross (podcast)
Reach to Touch (podcast)