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Family Discounted Bundle
As a registrant of the Truth & Discernment Conference 2024 - Yamhill, you will receive the Essentials Bundle of all three essential courses at a 50% discount for your entire family. Price: $99 (normally $199). No limit to the size of the family.
Or get each course (discounted) individually:
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Tag us in a post for a chance to win a signed copy of David Richardson's book!
Now's your chance—tag yourself in the Yamhill post, reshare, and make your own post using #yamhillcc and #learntodiscern. We'll choose one winner, to be announced at the end of the weekend!

For Churches & Small Groups
Prepare your church or small group to discern between the truth and the lies of today's culture that lurk beneath the messages. Equip parents to train their children to discern the truth for themselves so they do not fall for the lies presented to them every day. For a low, monthly group subscription, each member can have full access to the Essentials Courses and the Adult Course.
For Homeschoolers
& Homeschool Groups
For homeschool students: Learn to quickly and reliably find hidden assumptions that determine what is true and what is not—and WHY—in real-world issues and situations by exploring the assumptions that control how people think about today's moral, social, and cultural issues.

Get The Book
Get the book that started the discernment revolution. Transparent is not a theoretical theological exercise for intellectuals. It “translates” the complex ideologies of the intellectuals into everyday language for ordinary people. Written more like an adventure than a textbook, Transparent is a refreshing departure from the usual books about apologetics, theology, and culture.
Download The Free App
Get the App that goes with the courses! Learn to see through the complex issues of our day like a superhero with x-ray vision. During the online courses, you'll learn to use the App to hone your discernment skills as you evaluate messaging from news, movies, and more. Through a series of questions and possible answers, users arrive at the core assumption of a message.